This is the journey of my life and health: to get better.

Without a doubt, our health is one of the most valuable things we have. Health is wealth, as is frequently said, and this has always been true. The National Health Mission in Assam and the Uttar Pradesh National Health Mission will be the main topics of this article. We will talk about how important health is in our lives. Understanding the efforts made by these missions is crucial to ensuring that everyone has access to high-quality health care services. my life my health essay,  Our health is the most important thing we have.

Why health is important:

We build our lives on our health. Without good health, all of our goals and accomplishments lose their shine. It makes it harder for us to follow our dreams, make real connections with other people, and fully enjoy life. Not only is bodily health important, but so is mental and spiritual health. When our bodies and minds are strong, they work together to make our lives full.

Mission for National Health in Assam:

Across national health mission assam is the state’s main effort to improve the state’s healthcare system and services. It was started in 2005 and aims to give the people of Assam inexpensive, high-quality health care. Some of the most important goals of the NHM Assam are:

  • Health of Mothers and Children: One of NHM Assam’s main goals is to lower the death rates of mothers and children. In order to do this, different programs are used, such as vaccination programs, care for mothers, and help with diet for mothers and children.
  • Universal Health Coverage: NHM Assam works to ensure that every person has access to basic health care services without having to worry about money. This includes making healthcare services at the local level stronger.
  • Disease Control: The mission also tries to stop and control diseases that can be spread, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and TB. It also raises knowledge about noncommunicable diseases and how to avoid getting them.
  • Human Resource Development: An important part of NHM Assam is training and building up the skills of healthcare workers. This helps to ensure that people who work in health care have everything they need to give good care.
  • Community Engagement: NHM Assam actively includes communities in making decisions about and carrying out healthcare programs. This participatory method ensures that health care services are made to fit the needs of the local people.

The National Health Mission for Uttar Pradesh:

As one of the most populous states in India, up national health mission obstacles. The Uttar Pradesh National Health Mission is committed to solving these issues and enhancing health care services throughout the state. These are some of its most important projects:

  • Janani Suraksha Yojana: The goal of the Janani Suraksha Yojana is to encourage women to give birth in hospitals and to help pregnant women with money. It aims to lower the death rates of mothers and babies by making sure that women get skilled care during birth.
  • Rogi Kalyan Samiti: These are community-based groups called Rogi Kalyan Samiti that keep a close eye on healthcare services at the local level. In some ways, they help connect people in need with healthcare services.
  • National Urban Health Mission: The National Urban Health Mission works on enhancing health care services in urban places because Uttar Pradesh is rapidly urbanizing. It talks about the specific health problems that people in cities face.
  • Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK): RBSK aims to give children under 18 years of age complete health care. It includes finding and treating birth defects, deficiencies, diseases, and growth problems as soon as possible.
  • Mental Health Program: Recognizing the Importance of Mental Health, the Uttar Pradesh National Health Mission has started programs to promote mental health and help those who need it.


To sum up, our health is the most important thing for living a happy life. To ensure that everyone in these states has access to high-quality health care, the National Health Missions in Assam and Uttar Pradesh are admirable initiatives. These missions aren’t just about healing illnesses; they’re also about preventing them, getting involved in the community, and promoting overall health.

It is our responsibility as responsible people to support and take part in these efforts to build a better and happier society. Our health is important, and we should put it first. By supporting programs like NHM Assam and Uttar Pradesh NHM, we can all work toward a future where everyone can confidently say, ” my life my health essay 1500

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